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BookMandee – Best Place to Buy & Sell Used, Old IES Exam Preparation Books Online For Cash

Succeeded in qualifying Indian Engineering Services (IES) exams using popular and most recommended books you have, but not in need of them anymore? Sell all your old, used IES exam preparation books online at BookMandee, India’s one-of-its-kind online used bookstore helping Indians to buy and sell old books. With us, you can sell directly to the interested buyer in your area or city.

Similarly, if you want to buy old IES exam prep books and study material from those who had already passed the exam, you can find and buy used, second hand books on IES exam preparation here with us.

It really feels good when you get to know that there is no mediator between you and the used book-buyer/seller you see. It feels good as there is BookMandee for you.