Terms Of Use

Please read these terms of use carefully. By using this platform, you are accepting these terms of using it. In case you do not agree to these terms, you are advised not to use the platform.


BookMandee India is an online used bookstore in India, dedicated to connect people having old books with those who want to buy old books.

This online platform and the service are provided to you subject to these Terms of Use. Wherever the terms “you” and “your” are mentioned, they refer to any user who uses, visits or accesses this platform or its service in any manner whatsoever.

You agree to comply with these terms when using this platform. Additionally, any applicable posted guidelines on this platform for the targeted audience may change or be updated from time to time at BookMandee’s sole discretion.

You understand that you are solely responsible to know these terms. If you object to any of these terms or any subsequent changes made to it, or are unhappy using BookMandee or the service it provides in any way, you should discontinue using this platform.

Furthermore, BookMandee may also send you notices of changes to these Terms over time


  • BookMandee, as an online platform, allows users (who comply with these Terms) to sell, and buy used, old books online. For buying and selling old books, you may be involved to conduct payment and other transactions to the other users of this platform. But BookMandee is not in any way involved in such transactions.

Thus, you acknowledge & agree that BookMandee has no control over users meeting with each other in person, and shall have no liability to any connections made this way. You are using this Platform at your own risk.

  • You understand that BookMandee is not responsible for book ads, user information, user postings, or any other material made available through it, and that by using this Platform and its Service, you may find Content that is offensive, misleading, or otherwise objectionable. By using this platform, you agree that you are responsible to bear all the risk associated with, the use of any Content available on BookMandee, and that under no circumstances will BookMandee be liable for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the browsing, using or reading any Content (book ads and others) available on it.
  • Also, you acknowledge and agree that BookMandee cannot completely pre-screen (but only partially) any Content posted on it by users. But BookMandee has the right, in its sole discretion, to refuse to accept, or delete any Content that is or may be available through it, in case a user is found violating these Terms, or such violation being brought to BookMandee’s knowledge or for any other reason or no reason at all.
  • Furthermore, the content available at BookMandee may contain links to third party websites. If you visit such Third Party Websites or click on their links, you may be subject to their terms of use and other policies. BookMandee makes no guarantee for your experience or the authenticity of the information contained in any such Third Party Website. You will be clicking on any other third party links at your own risk, and BookMandee disclaims all liability thereto.
  • You acknowledge and agree that you are solely responsible for the Content (book ads details or your personal information) posted on BookMandee.

Also, related to such Content posted on BookMandee, you affirm and acknowledge that:

  • You have the necessary licenses, rights, consents, and permissions to post such Content on BookMandee and authorize it to use the Content in the manner contemplated by its Service, and these Terms of Use.
  • For clarity, you hereby grant to BookMandee a non-cancellable, royalty-free, transferable license to use your content as per its service and business needs. BookMandee can use your Content to promote the Platform, and through any media channels now or hereafter known. These rights are required by BookMandee in order to host and display your Content.
  • You also grant each user of the Platform a license to access your Content through the Platform, and the right to contact you as per the Content posted by you. This license granted by you terminates once you or BookMandee remove or delete such Content from the Platform.
  • BookMandee expressly disclaims any and all liability in connection with user Content. BookMandee does not permit copyright infringing activities and infringement of intellectual property rights on the Platform, and BookMandee may, at its sole discretion, remove any infringing Content in accordance with applicable law. BookMandee reserves the right to remove any Content without prior notice. BookMandee may also terminate a user’s access to the Platform, if he is found to be a repeat infringer or violate these Terms. Further, at its sole discretion, BookMandee reserves the right to decide whether any Content is appropriate and complies with these Terms.


You agree not to use the copyrighted or patented Content, or that subjected to third party proprietary rights, unless you are given permission from BookMandee official team members. Doing this violates the basic terms of using BookMandee portal.

Similarly, you are not allowed to use personal information about another user without that person’s explicit consent.

Additionally, you agree not to make unsolicited contact with anyone for any reasons whatsoever, specifically, contacting any user to “stalk” or otherwise harass anyone.

You agree not to:

  • Collect personal information of other users for unlawful purposes
  • Post Content that is outside the local area you live in, or repeatedly post the same or similar Content, or otherwise impose unreasonable loads on our servers and other infrastructure
  • Post the same old book in multiple categories, or in multiple locations
  • Try gaining unauthorized access to computer systems owned or controlled by BookMandee, or do anything that interferes with the performance of this Platform

Any Content uploaded by you shall be subject to relevant laws, and may be subject to investigation under related laws. In case you are found to have any such laws and regulations, these terms, or the privacy policy of this Site, we may terminate your account or block your access to the Site. We also reserve the right to remove any non-compliant Content uploaded by you.


You, as a user, understand that when using BookMandee platform, you will be exposed to Content from a number of users and sources, and that BookMandee is not responsible for its accuracy, usefulness, or IP rights relating to such Content. So, by using this platform, you agree and assume all liability for content you look for and find.


You agree that sending unsolicited email to BookMandee email address(es) are expressly prohibited by these Terms. Any communication between you and any other user of BookMandee, or between you and any official member of BookMandee should only be in accordance with these Terms. Any unauthorized use of BookMandee portal is a violation of these Terms, and offenders will be subjected to applicable criminal laws and penalties.


You acknowledge and agree that BookMandee may establish limited use of portal by the users at any time, at its sole discretion, including the maximum number of days that your Content will be maintained or retained on this platform, the maximum number and size of postings, and even the frequency and the manner in which you may access the Platform. You acknowledge that your user account has personal information given in it. In the event you are found having more than one account linked through your mobile number or email address, BookMandee reserves the right to remove such duplicate accounts.

You acknowledge and agree that BookMandee reserves the right at any time to modify, limit or discontinue the platform (or any of its part thereof) with or without notice, and that BookMandee shall not be liable to you for any such discontinuance of the Service given by this platform.


You expressly acknowledge and agree that you are using BookMandee platform and its service entirely at your own risk, without any warranties of any kind.


BookMandee is responsible for the collection, use, and retention of personal information as per the related laws.

Type Of Information Collected

When you visit the Platform, information about your IP address, operating system, browser type, and Internet service provider can be collected. Similarly, when you register at this Platform, we also collect personal information that you provide such as your name, mailing address, email address, home country, zip code, and similar other information.

You also agree to receive communications on the provided email address from our side.

By using this Platform, you consent to share your geolocation data in order to publish information/advertisements of advertisements offered by users close to your location, when BookMandee will start to offer the advertisement services.


We may use cookies to manage user sessions and to store preferences, irrespective of whether you have registered with us or not. These “Cookies” are small text files sent by a web server to your computer system. They collect information like the date and time you visited, your browsing history, and your username.

In some cases, our third-party service providers may also use cookies on the Platform, which we cannot control. This Privacy Policy covers only Cookies used by us.

You can accept or decline the use of cookies on your computer. However, declining the use of cookies may limit you to use certain features available to users at this platform.

How Your Information Is Used?

We may use the information you provide to us to:

(i) enforce our Terms of Use, monitor user activity to make the Platform more efficient;

(ii) provide customer services and

(iii) assist you with technical difficulties, if any.

Also, we may need to share certain information with third- party service providers, such as your browser capabilities or operating system that we have collected, so as to understand your interest well. We may retain such information as per our business objective.

Protecting Your Personal Information

You are a valued user of BookMandee, and protecting your privacy is important to us. Your Registration Information is protected by a unique customer password and user ID you have created. You should not disclose your password to anyone, and you should always remember to log off from your account after using this platform. Lastly, you can utilize the Platform as an anonymous user by not registering, but only searching for book ads or similar other information available on it.

All the security measures have been taken to safeguard your personal information. However, as with most web usage and security, no method is 100% safe.

Therefore, you acknowledge and agree that BookMandee assumes no liability regarding the theft, loss or misuse of personal information or Content, including, without limitation, such information that has been provided to third parties or other users.


Rarely, we may be required to disclose your personal information due to legal needs, if any. In such situations, we reserve the right to disclose your personal information so as to comply with our legal obligations.

You agree and acknowledge that we need not to inform you while disclosing your information, whenever needed. If our platform gets sold or merged into some other company, the access to your personal information will be transferred to the acquiring company without your consent.

Notification Of Changes

We reserve the right to make changes in these Terms at our sole discretion. We may send you regarding changes to these Terms, including the Privacy Policy or the Platform.

How To Contact Us?

If you have any questions in your mind about this Privacy Policy, you can contact us using the Contact Form at this platform.

These Terms Were Last Updated on – 01 June 2024