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BookMandee – To Help You Buy & Sell Used, Old RBI Exam Preparation Books Online For Cash

Got to qualify for your dream job after buying and reading from recommended Reserve Bank of India (RBI) exam preparation books, but not in need of them anymore? It is better to sell them online at BookMandee than making them eat dirt at some corner of your house. With us, you can get the right price of all your used books directly from the interested book buyer.

Revolutionizing the way Indians buy, sell and even think about used, old books, we are passionate about making this ‘change’ happen. Join us now!

Similarly, if you want to buy and learn from old, second hand RBI exam preparation books and study material, you can find and buy them here with us.

What makes us different is the way we aim to help Indians take care of their used books. Know more about how BookMandee actually works.