Why Your BookMandee Account Might Be Deleted?

At BookMandee, we strive to create the best platform for buying, selling, and donating old, second-hand books. We want to ensure our community remains active, engaged, and genuine. We have implemented a new activity policy to maintain a high-quality user experience and prevent proliferation of inactive or spam accounts.

This policy is designed to encourage meaningful interactions on our platform. If you’ve recently created an account on BookMandee, it’s important to understand our new guidelines. By actively participating, whether through creating a book-ad or engaging with sellers, you contribute to the vibrant community we aim to build and ensure that your account remains active.

In this post, we’ll explain why this policy is necessary, how it works, and what steps you need to take to keep your account in good standing. Our goal is to ensure that users can enjoy the full benefits of BookMandee and that the platform remains a trusted space for book enthusiasts. Let’s dive into the details.

Issue of Inactive and Spam Accounts 

Inactive and spam accounts pose a significant challenge to online platforms like BookMandee. These accounts often result from users signing up but never engaging with the platform or malicious actors creating fake accounts with no intention of using them meaningfully.

Here’s why this is a concern:

  • Clutter and Performance Impact

Inactive accounts can clutter the platform, making it harder for genuine users to find relevant book listings and interact with others. They also impact the platform’s performance and resource allocation, leading to inefficiencies.

  • Security Risks

Spam accounts can be used to exploit platform vulnerabilities, potentially compromising user data and overall security. They can also be a vector for spam and malicious content, affecting the user experience.

  • Community Integrity

Maintaining a trustworthy community relies on active participation. Inactive or fake accounts undermine the credibility of the platform, making it less appealing to new and existing users who seek genuine interactions.

To address these issues, BookMandee has implemented a new activity policy to ensure that all accounts contribute positively to the community. This policy will help us maintain a clean, secure, and engaging environment where users can buy, sell, and donate old books with confidence.

BookMandee’s New Activity Policy to Ensure Your Account Stays in Good Standing

We’ve introduced a new activity policy to ensure BookMandee remains a thriving and interactive platform. This policy is designed to keep our user base engaged and prevent the creation of inactive or spam accounts. Here’s what you need to know:

Requirements for Maintaining an Active Account

  • Activity Requirement

After creating your BookMandee account, you must either create a book-ad or interact with sellers (as a buyer) within one week of account creation or authorization via email (check your email to authorize your account after signing up). This activity ensures that accounts are used for their intended purpose.

How to Comply with the Policy?

  • Creating a Book-Ad

If you want to sell or donate old books, you can easily create a book-ad by providing details about your book, including its condition, price, and a preferred meetup location. This will help you list your books and actively contribute to the platform.

  • Interacting with Sellers

If you’re looking to buy old books, engage with sellers by using the search features to find books of interest. You can then use the internal chat system to interact with the sellers to discuss book details, negotiate prices, and arrange transactions.

If a user fails to do so, his/her BookMandee account will be deleted from the system.

Steps to Avoid Account Deletion at BookMandee

  1. Log In Regularly

Ensure you log in and perform one of the required actions within the first week of creating your account.

  1. Create or Engage

Either list an old book for sale or donate, or actively search for and interact with book listings on the platform.

  1. Check Your Email

Make sure to confirm your email address to complete the account setup process and receive important notifications about your account status.

By adhering to this policy, you help maintain an engaging environment for all BookMandee users. We appreciate your cooperation in keeping the platform active and user-friendly.

More About Creating a Book-Ad on BookMandee

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

  1. First, ensure you are logged into your BookMandee account. If you don’t have an account yet, you’ll need to register and verify email address before creating a book-ad.
  2. Navigate to the ‘Create Book-Ad’ section. This is typically found under your user profile or in the main menu of the platform.
  3. Provide the title and author of the book. This helps buyers quickly identify the book they want to list.
  4. Describe the condition of the book (e.g., new, like new, gently used, etc.). This information helps buyers assess the quality of the book.
  5. Set a reasonable price for your book. If you are donating the book, you can set the price to zero.
  6. Choose a preferred meetup location for the book exchange. This should be a public place that is convenient for both you and the buyer. For safety reasons, avoid using your home address.
  7. Review all the information you’ve entered to ensure it is accurate and complete. Once you’re satisfied, submit the book-ad for review.
  8. After submission, your book-ad will be reviewed by our admin team to ensure it meets our guidelines. Once approved, the book-ad will be visible to other users on the platform.

Also Read: How to Create a Book-Ad on BookMandee

How to Interact with Sellers on BookMandee?

Engaging with sellers on BookMandee is a key part of the buying process. Whether you’re looking to purchase a book or inquire about a book-ad, effective communication helps ensure a smooth transaction. Here’s how you can interact with sellers on our platform:

  1. Use the search filters to find books that match your interests. You can search by book title, author, or category and narrow your search to your city, nearby cities, or specific areas.
  2. Click on book-ads that catch your interest to view detailed information, including the book’s condition, price, and the seller’s preferred meetup location.
  3. To contact a seller, ensure you are registered and logged into your BookMandee account. This allows you to use the platform’s internal messaging system for secure communication.
  4. Use the internal chat feature to send a message to the seller. Introduce yourself and express your interest in their book. Be clear and specific about what you’re asking.
  5. Don’t hesitate to ask the seller about the book’s condition, any additional details not mentioned in the listing, or for more photos if needed. Clear communication helps avoid misunderstandings.
  6. Discuss and negotiate the price, if applicable. Many sellers are open to reasonable offers, so it’s worth making an inquiry if you’re interested in buying the old books listed.
  7. Once you agree on the book and price, confirm the meetup location and time. Make sure the agreed-upon location is convenient and safe for both parties.
  8. Arrange to meet the seller at the agreed location. Complete the purchase or donation as discussed. Ensure you bring the correct amount if buying, or follow any instructions for the donation.
  9. After the transaction, provide feedback on the seller. Your reviews help other users make informed decisions and contribute to the trustworthiness of the BookMandee community.

Benefits of Maintaining an Active Account on BookMandee

Keeping your BookMandee account active offers several advantages that enhance your experience on the platform. Whether you’re buying, selling, or donating old books, an engaged account provides numerous benefits. Here’s how staying active can improve your BookMandee experience:

  • An active account ensures you have access to the most current book listings. This means you can find and interact with fresh and relevant books that match your interests.
  • Regular activity improves the accuracy of search results. Active users are more likely to see the listings that best fit their preferences and location.
  • By staying active, you’re more likely to come across new and varied book listings. This increases your chances of finding specific books you want to buy or discovering great deals.
  • Active users contribute to the platform’s vibrancy, making it a more engaging place for everyone. Your participation helps ensure that BookMandee remains a trusted and lively community.
  • Consistent activity helps build your credibility within the community. Sellers and buyers are more likely to engage with active and reputable users, enhancing trust in transactions.
  • Active users often receive quicker assistance if issues arise. Regular interactions ensure our support team is familiar with your account and can address concerns more effectively.
  • Staying active ensures you receive timely updates about new features, policy changes, or important information related to your account.


What is the activity policy for maintaining an active account?

To keep your BookMandee account active, you must either create a book-ad or interact with sellers (as a buyer) within one week of account creation or authorization. This policy helps ensure that accounts are used actively and meaningfully.

Why is there a need for an activity policy?

The activity policy addresses the issues of inactive and spam accounts, which can clutter the platform and affect its performance. By encouraging active participation, we aim to maintain a trustworthy community and ensure a better user experience.

What happens if I don’t comply with the activity policy?

If you do not create a book-ad or engage with sellers within the specified time frame, your account may be deleted. This helps us manage the platform efficiently and maintain a high level of engagement.

How can I create a book-ad?

To create a book-ad, log in to your account and navigate to the ‘Create Book-Ad’ section. Enter details about your book, including title, author, condition, price, and meetup location for review.

How do I interact with sellers on BookMandee?

To interact with sellers, use the internal chat feature available once you are logged into your account. You can ask questions, negotiate terms, and arrange meetups through this messaging system.

What should I do if my account is deleted?

If your account is deleted due to inactivity, you may need to create a new account. Ensure that you engage with the platform within the specified time frame to avoid this situation.

How can I avoid account deletion?

Log in regularly and either create a book-ad or interact with sellers within the first week of account creation. This will help you stay active and prevent your account from being deleted.

Can I appeal if my account is deleted?

Currently, accounts deleted due to inactivity are not eligible for appeal. To avoid this, make sure to follow the activity policy and engage with the platform regularly.

Who can I contact for more help?

If you have further questions or need assistance, contact our support team through the help section on our website. We are here to assist you and ensure you have a smooth experience on BookMandee.

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